The Foreword Announcement

Big News today: Tim Freaking Ferriss agreed to write the Foreword for the Almanack of Naval Ravikant. 

This is a big deal because Tim does. not. write. forewords. I am not sure what kind of deal we had to cut with Tim (Trade in some Uber stock? Shave an eyebrow?) to make this happen, but it happened, and I’m grateful.

Actually I do know -- it’s because this book is going to be available completely for free on this website, and in digital forms. All 3 of us are glad to contribute to a project to share hard-won wisdom with learners all over the world. 

Tim’s interview of Naval (#97 - The Person I Call Most for Startup Advice) early on in his podcast (August 2015) was one of the first interviews that reached a huge audience and introduced people outside Silicon Valley to Naval. 

It’s exciting to see that come around 5 years later in this book. 

A thousand thanks to Tim, Naval, Tucker, Hristo, and everyone else who brought this together.

More to come!

The Four Biggest Things I've Learned From Naval

The Four Biggest Things I've Learned From Naval

Excellent Illustrations from a reader

Excellent Illustrations from a reader