Excellent Illustrations from a reader

Excellent Illustrations from a reader

I’d like to share some illustrations that were done by a reader as annotations of Naval’s How to get rich Podcast. Suresh emailed me these just to share, and I thought they were great and I should post them for all to see.

You can follow Suresh on Linkedin or Twitter or connect with him through email.

From Suresh: “I made these, amidst a flood of inspiration, having listened to the ‘How to get rich.’ podcast by @Naval. Everything insightful and wondrous about it is owed to him. Any gaps in thinking is owed to me.”

I (Eric) have added some notes/context with the illustrations below:

I love how simple this one starts — and it gets more complicated from here!


Match the evolutionary trait (left) to our desired behavior (right):


Leverage is a powerful concept, and there is to unpack from that single word… this graphic is Suresh working through the classes of Leverage and what it looks like to apply them.


From Suresh: “We humans always underestimate how much can be accomplished in a decade and over estimate how much can be accomplished in a year. “


This one is my favorite — a visual explanation of all of the pieces that contribute to Specific Knowledge. There’s a lot more explanation of Specific Knowledge in the book, and this graphic helps make it all clear in once glance.


Thank you for reading — enjoy and Follow Suresh!

The Foreword Announcement

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